Monday 11 August 2014

Have You Met Miss Manga?

Loreal Miss Manga mascara was released in April 2014 and for some reason, I didn't go straight to the drugstore and pick up a tube.

There have been some seriously good mascaras recently and I have been happily making my way through various brands and formulas...

The Miss Manga mascara promises to give mega volume on top and bottom lashes, with ultimate hold. This year I have been enjoyed more lengthening formulas because my lashes are short and stubby and ridiculous, so a "mega" volume formula didn't fit in to my plans!

But then.. I had seen so many reviews on You Tube about Miss Manga, and I was intrigued. The brush is not a consistently shaped brush, it has longer and shorter bristles in what looks like a random fashion. The point of this is to cover the lashes all over and to make sure no part of the lash is missed.                                    

The first time I tried Miss Manga I was amazed, I admit I was worried that I would end up with about five lashes and no length, but it was actually very easy to control the brush and create length along with the volume, which is actually really well balanced between lashes! The pointed brush is great for getting in to the corners of your eyes to get those tricky little lashes that like to try and escape...!

It really is an amazing mascara, my top favourite mascaras are Loreal at the minute, they really are getting the job done!!

What do you think? *Flutter Flutter*

See you next time!

Ally x

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