Tuesday 15 July 2014

Too Much Make Up???

Can you every really have "too much make up...?" 

I don't think so, although this could be so that I can keep buying lovely products, in enticing packaging, with bright colours and words that allure me and have me believe this creation will change my out look on make up and therefore life and all will be well with the world...

I decided that maybe... just maybe I do have enough right now. I am on a "No Buy July", which has got me rummaging through my make up stash. Rediscovering products long since forgotten, since I bought the dozens of new products, currently looking so beautiful in my make up bag!

I have found long lost blushers, that made me feel oh-so-pretty, mascaras that I thought was The One! Lipsticks that encouraged confidence and compliments, and foundations that glide over my imperfections and provide me with a veil of loveliness.

So... why are none of them in my make up bag? Why are we obsessed with the constant search for the perfect product? Maybe you aren't.. but boy oh boy, I am!

I am extremely happy with my make up bag right now, I can open the zip, safe in the knowledge that after applying each one, I will feel awake, more confident, and an all-round better version of myself! On the outside of course...

Maybe this is why No Buy July has been easier for me, I have attempted this in the past and it has been an epic failure! I'm glad that I have found I can go without going on a spending spree, because what I need, I already have, but that actually I now shop for fun, rather than necessity. It has given me a new found confidence that actually.. I am not in desperate need of a new concealer, because.. calm yourself.. you have one that will blur those imperfections. It does feel lovely, actually. 

I will still enjoy August though...

Find me on Instagram - @xallybeanx

Do you feel you can have enough make up? Or are you like me, always on the hunt for another magical mascara? Do you try to avoid purchasing new make up sometimes? And are you happy with what is in your make up bag?
#shopaholic #moreismore

Business contact - allybeanexchange@gmail.com

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