Friday 25 July 2014

My Glossy Glossybox

How Glossy Was Your Box?!

I have decided to look in to subscription boxes recently. I like the idea of being able to try multiple products from different companies, that I might otherwise not notice or be able to buy in England.

This month I went for Glossybox.. Let's see the goodies!

How gorgeous is this box?!

Firstly, Glossybox are always packaged beautifully! The box this
was themed "Stars and Stripes" for the 4th July celebrations in America!

Opening the box you have a number of cards, one will have a list explaining what is in your box and how much the full size product retails for, again the inside packaging matches the stars and stripes theme, wrapped up with a ribbon the blue paper is wrapped around the products...

Inside the box, the first thing that jumped out  at me is the lovely
and ever useful Carmex lipbalm. It has a minty feel when applied to the lips...

There was a full size nail varnish in the box from Color Club. The colour was not for me but the formula is out of this world! I am definitely going to track down some more of these nail polishes!

I had a perfecting eye shadow primer, which after using a few times does seem a very good product, and a Bella Pierre lipstick... This lipstick is *beautiful* the colour is a bright orange with a slight shimmer, the formula is stunning, rich and creamy, seems like this brand is well worth investigating!

Now then...

 As you may already know, we do not have Tarte here in the UK yet... although a few products are coming through via QVC.
In my Glossybox however, I received a sample size of the very highly recommended Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara...

I was so very very excited!

But... on application this mascara didn't live up to its expectations.. It didn't hold a curl, my lashes look rather sad and dropped after a few hours. I will be giving it a fair try and will use it until I finish the tube, but I was surprised...

Overall I really loved the box, even if the mascara wasn't everything I had dreamed of and more (ha!) I loved being able to try the product out, because that is after all, what this is all about!! I will definitely be staying subscribed!

Do you like this mascara? Do you receive any subscription boxes? I cannot wait for my August Glossybox, I also have a rather unusual subscription box for next month... that I am very eager to show you!

Looking forward to it.. See you soon!

Ally xx

Find me on Instagram - xallybeanx

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Friday 18 July 2014

Shall I take off your mustache?

When having your eyebrows threaded, takes a new direction...

I hate having my eyebrows threaded. I hate it.

The pain! The watery eyes! The blotchy redness!

But when finished? They look SO much better, so sleek and fuzz free. The result of eyebrow threading is, for a lot of people, worth the discomfort that only lasts a few minutes per brow.

Threading is a method of hair removal that began in the middle east about 6000 years ago.. (apparently!)  these days it is very popular in western countries and used for beauty purposes!

A piece of cotton or thread, is doubled over then twisted, and run along unwanted hair, whipping it off! With tweezing where you only remove one hair at a time, threading takes away multiple hairs very quickly, it is also easier to control and gives better shaped brows!

During the process you will probably be asked to pull the skin that is being threaded, taught with your hands. This is the bit that hurts! After the threading they apply aloe vera to your bright red brows and at this point... they will ask if you want anything else doing.

This week, during a shopping trip in Warrington, I was asked if I would like my mustache doing... at a public brow bar in the middle of a shopping center! 

Now, I am okay with sitting in front of shoppers passing by, swigging their Starbucks and looking at me and my unwanted hair with pity, but I absolutely draw the line at letting them watch me having my VERY minimal upper lip hair, whisked away in a painful fashion.

Red eyebrows is one thing, but a red upper lip? I will save that for my bathroom thank you!

Ally xx

Find me on instagram - @xallybeanx

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Too Much Make Up???

Can you every really have "too much make up...?" 

I don't think so, although this could be so that I can keep buying lovely products, in enticing packaging, with bright colours and words that allure me and have me believe this creation will change my out look on make up and therefore life and all will be well with the world...

I decided that maybe... just maybe I do have enough right now. I am on a "No Buy July", which has got me rummaging through my make up stash. Rediscovering products long since forgotten, since I bought the dozens of new products, currently looking so beautiful in my make up bag!

I have found long lost blushers, that made me feel oh-so-pretty, mascaras that I thought was The One! Lipsticks that encouraged confidence and compliments, and foundations that glide over my imperfections and provide me with a veil of loveliness.

So... why are none of them in my make up bag? Why are we obsessed with the constant search for the perfect product? Maybe you aren't.. but boy oh boy, I am!

I am extremely happy with my make up bag right now, I can open the zip, safe in the knowledge that after applying each one, I will feel awake, more confident, and an all-round better version of myself! On the outside of course...

Maybe this is why No Buy July has been easier for me, I have attempted this in the past and it has been an epic failure! I'm glad that I have found I can go without going on a spending spree, because what I need, I already have, but that actually I now shop for fun, rather than necessity. It has given me a new found confidence that actually.. I am not in desperate need of a new concealer, because.. calm yourself.. you have one that will blur those imperfections. It does feel lovely, actually. 

I will still enjoy August though...

Find me on Instagram - @xallybeanx

Do you feel you can have enough make up? Or are you like me, always on the hunt for another magical mascara? Do you try to avoid purchasing new make up sometimes? And are you happy with what is in your make up bag?
#shopaholic #moreismore

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